ACmpBranchProbe - Class in org.hansel.probes
A probe for a comparing conditional branch.
ACmpBranchProbe(ProbeData, boolean) - Constructor for class org.hansel.probes.ACmpBranchProbe
addProbe(Probe) - Method in class org.hansel.ProbeTable
addProbeDescriptions(Description) - Method in class org.hansel.ProbeTable
addResult(Test, TestResult) - Method in class org.hansel.Probe
AndAndOp - Class in org.hansel.stack
AndAndOp(HanselValue, HanselValue) - Constructor for class org.hansel.stack.AndAndOp
AntCoverageTask - Class in org.hansel
AntCoverageTask() - Constructor for class org.hansel.AntCoverageTask
AssertionCoverageDecorator - Class in org.hansel
AssertionCoverageDecorator(Class[]) - Constructor for class org.hansel.AssertionCoverageDecorator
AssertionCoverageDecorator(Class, Class[]) - Constructor for class org.hansel.AssertionCoverageDecorator


BinaryBranchProbe - Class in org.hansel.probes
A probe for a comparing conditional branch.
BinaryBranchProbe(ProbeData, IntComparator) - Constructor for class org.hansel.probes.BinaryBranchProbe
binaryOperation(AbstractInsnNode, Value, Value) - Method in class org.hansel.HanselInterpreter
BinaryOperatorEntry - Class in org.hansel.stack
BinaryOperatorEntry(String, int, Value, Value) - Constructor for class org.hansel.stack.BinaryOperatorEntry
BinaryOperatorEntry(String, int, Value, Value, int) - Constructor for class org.hansel.stack.BinaryOperatorEntry
BinaryOperatorEntry(String, int, HanselValue, HanselValue) - Constructor for class org.hansel.stack.BinaryOperatorEntry
BinaryOperatorEntry(String, int, HanselValue, HanselValue, int) - Constructor for class org.hansel.stack.BinaryOperatorEntry
BranchProbe - Class in org.hansel.probes
A probe for a conditional branch.
BranchProbe(ProbeData, HanselValue) - Constructor for class org.hansel.probes.BranchProbe


canApply(HanselValue, HanselValue) - Method in class org.hansel.stack.OrOrOp.AndCompressor
canApply(HanselValue, HanselValue) - Method in class org.hansel.stack.OrOrOp.NotCompressor
canApply(HanselValue, HanselValue) - Method in class org.hansel.stack.OrOrOp.OrOrCompressor
CheckFailureRunListener - Class in org.hansel
CheckFailureRunListener() - Constructor for class org.hansel.CheckFailureRunListener
ClassLoaderFactoryInterface - Interface in org.hansel
clear() - Method in class org.hansel.ProbeTable
compare(int, int) - Method in class org.hansel.probes.EQComparator
compare(int, int) - Method in class org.hansel.probes.GEComparator
compare(int, int) - Method in class org.hansel.probes.GTComparator
compare(int, int) - Method in class org.hansel.probes.IntComparator
compare(int, int) - Method in class org.hansel.probes.LEComparator
compare(int, int) - Method in class org.hansel.probes.LTComparator
compare(int, int) - Method in class org.hansel.probes.NEComparator
CompBranchProbe - Class in org.hansel.probes
A probe for a comparing conditional branch.
CompBranchProbe(ProbeData, HanselValue) - Constructor for class org.hansel.probes.CompBranchProbe
ComplexAnd - Class in org.hansel.stack
ComplexAnd() - Constructor for class org.hansel.stack.ComplexAnd
compress() - Method in class org.hansel.stack.AndAndOp
compress() - Method in class org.hansel.stack.BinaryOperatorEntry
compress() - Method in class org.hansel.stack.HanselValue
compress(HanselValue, HanselValue) - Method in class org.hansel.stack.OrOrOp.AndCompressor
compress() - Method in class org.hansel.stack.OrOrOp
compress(HanselValue, HanselValue) - Method in class org.hansel.stack.OrOrOp.NotCompressor
compress(HanselValue, HanselValue) - Method in class org.hansel.stack.OrOrOp.OrOrCompressor
compress() - Method in class org.hansel.stack.PrefixOpEntry
concat(String[], String[]) - Static method in class org.hansel.Util
copyOperation(AbstractInsnNode, Value) - Method in class org.hansel.HanselInterpreter
countTestCases() - Method in class org.hansel.Probe
cover(boolean) - Method in class org.hansel.probes.BranchProbe
CoverageDecorator - Class in org.hansel
This class decorated tests with coverage testing.
CoverageDecorator(Class[]) - Constructor for class org.hansel.CoverageDecorator
Creates a new (empty) CoverageDecorator.
CoverageDecorator(Class[], ProbeFilter) - Constructor for class org.hansel.CoverageDecorator
Creates a new (empty) CoverageDecorator.
CoverageDecorator(Class, Class[]) - Constructor for class org.hansel.CoverageDecorator
Creates a new CoverageDecorator containing the test instantiated from the given class
CoverageDecorator(Class, Class[], ProbeFilter) - Constructor for class org.hansel.CoverageDecorator
Creates a new CoverageDecorator containging the test instantiated from the given class
coverageFailure() - Method in class org.hansel.Probe
coverageFailure() - Method in class org.hansel.probes.BranchProbe
coverageFailure() - Method in class org.hansel.probes.MethodProbe
coverageFailure() - Method in class org.hansel.probes.SelectProbe
CoverageRunner - Class in org.hansel
CoverageRunner(Class<?>) - Constructor for class org.hansel.CoverageRunner
Internal use only.
CoverageRunner.CoverClasses - Annotation Type in org.hansel
The CoverClasses annotation specifies the classes to be covered when the test suite is run.
createBranchProbe(ProbeData, int) - Static method in class org.hansel.ProbeFactory
createClassLoader(ClassLoader, boolean) - Method in interface org.hansel.ClassLoaderFactoryInterface
createClasspath() - Method in class org.hansel.AntCoverageTask
Adds a path to the classpath.
createExceptionProbe(ProbeData, Probe) - Static method in class org.hansel.ProbeFactory
createMethodProbe(ProbeData) - Static method in class org.hansel.ProbeFactory
createSelectProbe(ProbeData, Label, int[], Label[]) - Static method in class org.hansel.ProbeFactory
createSelectProbe(ProbeData, int, int, Label, Label[]) - Static method in class org.hansel.ProbeFactory
createStackEntry(HanselValue, HanselValue) - Method in class org.hansel.probes.EQComparator
createStackEntry(HanselValue, HanselValue) - Method in class org.hansel.probes.GEComparator
createStackEntry(HanselValue, HanselValue) - Method in class org.hansel.probes.GTComparator
createStackEntry(HanselValue, HanselValue) - Method in class org.hansel.probes.IntComparator
createStackEntry(HanselValue, HanselValue) - Method in class org.hansel.probes.LEComparator
createStackEntry(HanselValue, HanselValue) - Method in class org.hansel.probes.LTComparator
createStackEntry(HanselValue, HanselValue) - Method in class org.hansel.probes.NEComparator


displayFailure() - Method in class org.hansel.Probe
displayFailure() - Method in class org.hansel.probes.BranchProbe
Return wether this probe failed to be covered.
displayFailure() - Method in class org.hansel.probes.ExceptionProbe
displayFailure() - Method in class org.hansel.probes.MethodProbe
displayFailure() - Method in class org.hansel.probes.SelectProbe
Return wether this probe failed to be covered.
DONT_CARE - Static variable in class org.hansel.stack.HanselValue
dumpResult(TestResult) - Static method in class org.hansel.Util
Dumps the Failures and Errors contained in the result to stdio.


EQComparator - Class in org.hansel.probes
EQComparator() - Constructor for class org.hansel.probes.EQComparator
EqOp - Class in org.hansel.stack
EqOp(HanselValue, HanselValue) - Constructor for class org.hansel.stack.EqOp
equals(Object) - Method in class org.hansel.Probe
equals(Object) - Method in class org.hansel.ProbeData
equals(Value) - Method in class org.hansel.stack.HanselValue
ExceptionProbe - Class in org.hansel.probes
A probe for an exception handler or finally block
ExceptionProbe(Probe, ProbeData) - Constructor for class org.hansel.probes.ExceptionProbe
Create a new Probe.
execute() - Method in class org.hansel.AntCoverageTask


filter(ProbeData) - Method in interface org.hansel.probes.ProbeFilter
filter(ProbeData) - Method in class org.hansel.probes.StringProbeFilter
findIndex(InsnList, Label) - Static method in class org.hansel.Util


GEComparator - Class in org.hansel.probes
GEComparator() - Constructor for class org.hansel.probes.GEComparator
GeOp - Class in org.hansel.stack
GeOp(HanselValue, HanselValue) - Constructor for class org.hansel.stack.GeOp
getCached(ProbeData) - Method in class org.hansel.ProbeTable
getClassesCovered() - Method in class org.hansel.CoverageDecorator
getClassName() - Method in class org.hansel.ProbeData
getCoverageDescription() - Method in class org.hansel.CoverageRunner
getCovered() - Method in class org.hansel.ProbeTable
getDescription() - Method in class org.hansel.CoverageRunner
getDescription() - Method in class org.hansel.Probe
getEntry() - Method in class org.hansel.stack.PrefixOpEntry
getFailureMessage() - Method in class org.hansel.Probe
getFailureMessage() - Method in class org.hansel.probes.BranchProbe
Return the filure message for this probe.
getFailureMessage() - Method in class org.hansel.probes.ExceptionProbe
getFailureMessage() - Method in class org.hansel.probes.MethodProbe
getFailureMessage() - Method in class org.hansel.probes.SelectProbe
Return the filure message for this probe.
getID() - Method in class org.hansel.Probe
getLineNumber() - Method in class org.hansel.ProbeData
getMethodName() - Method in class org.hansel.ProbeData
getName() - Method in class org.hansel.Probe
getOperator1() - Method in class org.hansel.stack.BinaryOperatorEntry
getOperator2() - Method in class org.hansel.stack.BinaryOperatorEntry
getPosition() - Method in class org.hansel.ProbeData
getPrecedence() - Method in class org.hansel.probes.IntComparator
getProbeData() - Method in class org.hansel.Probe
getProbeIndex() - Method in class org.hansel.ProbeTable
Returns the index for the next probe.
getProbeTable() - Method in class org.hansel.CoverageDecorator
getProbeTable() - Static method in class org.hansel.ProbeTable
Returns the singleton instance of the ProbeTable.
getProbeTable() - Method in class org.hansel.ProbeTableClassLoader
getShortClassName() - Method in class org.hansel.ProbeData
getSign() - Method in class org.hansel.probes.IntComparator
getSize() - Method in class org.hansel.ProbeTable
getSize() - Method in class org.hansel.stack.HanselValue
getStackEntry(int) - Method in class org.hansel.ProbeData
getStackSize() - Method in class org.hansel.ProbeData
getTargetClass() - Method in class org.hansel.ProbeData
GTComparator - Class in org.hansel.probes
GTComparator() - Constructor for class org.hansel.probes.GTComparator
GtOp - Class in org.hansel.stack
GtOp(HanselValue, HanselValue) - Constructor for class org.hansel.stack.GtOp


HanselCodeAdapter - Class in org.hansel
HanselCodeAdapter(int, String, String, InsnList, List, MethodVisitor, HanselFrame[], ClassLoader) - Constructor for class org.hansel.HanselCodeAdapter
HanselFrame - Class in org.hansel
HanselFrame(int, int) - Constructor for class org.hansel.HanselFrame
Creates a new instance of HanselFrame
HanselFrame(HanselFrame) - Constructor for class org.hansel.HanselFrame
HanselInterpreter - Class in org.hansel
HanselInterpreter(List) - Constructor for class org.hansel.HanselInterpreter
Creates a new instance of HanselInterpreter
HanselValue - Class in org.hansel.stack
HanselValue(String, boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.hansel.stack.HanselValue
hasFailures() - Method in class org.hansel.CheckFailureRunListener
hashCode() - Method in class org.hansel.Probe
hashCode() - Method in class org.hansel.ProbeData
hit(Object, Object) - Method in class org.hansel.probes.ACmpBranchProbe
Called, when a probe is hit.
hit(int, int) - Method in class org.hansel.probes.BinaryBranchProbe
hit(int, int) - Method in class org.hansel.probes.CompBranchProbe
hit() - Method in class org.hansel.probes.MethodProbe
Called by the ProbeTable, when this Probe is encountered by the instrumented code.
hit(Object) - Method in class org.hansel.probes.NullCmpBranchProbe
Called, when a probe is hit.
hit(int) - Method in class org.hansel.probes.SelectProbe
hit(int) - Method in class org.hansel.probes.UnaryBranchProbe
hit(int) - Method in class org.hansel.ProbeTable
hit(int, int, int) - Method in class org.hansel.ProbeTable
hit(Object, Object, int) - Method in class org.hansel.ProbeTable
hit(Object, int) - Method in class org.hansel.ProbeTable
hit(int, int) - Method in class org.hansel.ProbeTable
HIT_CLASS - Static variable in class org.hansel.Probe
hitB(int, int) - Method in class org.hansel.ProbeTable
hitBranch(int, int) - Static method in class org.hansel.ProbeTable
hitBranch(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.hansel.ProbeTable
hitBranch(Object, Object, int) - Static method in class org.hansel.ProbeTable
hitBranch(Object, int) - Static method in class org.hansel.ProbeTable
hitMethod(int) - Static method in class org.hansel.ProbeTable
This is the method inserted by the instrumentation, to record execution of a given probe.
hitSelect(int, int) - Static method in class org.hansel.ProbeTable


init(TestResult) - Method in class org.hansel.CoverageDecorator
init() - Method in class org.hansel.CoverageRunner
init(HashSet<String>) - Static method in class org.hansel.Startup
insertProbeCode(MethodVisitor) - Method in class org.hansel.Probe
Returns the code of the probe.
insertProbeCode(MethodVisitor) - Method in class org.hansel.probes.ACmpBranchProbe
Returns the code of the probe.
insertProbeCode(MethodVisitor) - Method in class org.hansel.probes.BinaryBranchProbe
insertProbeCode(MethodVisitor) - Method in class org.hansel.probes.CompBranchProbe
insertProbeCode(MethodVisitor) - Method in class org.hansel.probes.MethodProbe
insertProbeCode(MethodVisitor) - Method in class org.hansel.probes.NullCmpBranchProbe
insertProbeCode(MethodVisitor) - Method in class org.hansel.probes.SelectProbe
insertProbeCode(MethodVisitor) - Method in class org.hansel.probes.UnaryBranchProbe
IntComparator - Class in org.hansel.probes
IntComparator(String, int) - Constructor for class org.hansel.probes.IntComparator
invert() - Method in class org.hansel.stack.EqOp
invert() - Method in class org.hansel.stack.GeOp
invert() - Method in class org.hansel.stack.GtOp
invert() - Method in class org.hansel.stack.HanselValue
invert() - Method in class org.hansel.stack.LeOp
invert() - Method in class org.hansel.stack.LtOp
invert() - Method in class org.hansel.stack.NeOp
invert() - Method in class org.hansel.stack.NotOp
isBoolType() - Method in class org.hansel.stack.HanselValue
isTrue(int, int) - Method in class org.hansel.probes.CompBranchProbe


LEComparator - Class in org.hansel.probes
LEComparator() - Constructor for class org.hansel.probes.LEComparator
leftFill(int, String) - Static method in class org.hansel.Util
LeOp - Class in org.hansel.stack
LeOp(HanselValue, HanselValue) - Constructor for class org.hansel.stack.LeOp
loadClass(String) - Method in class org.hansel.ProbeTableClassLoader
LTComparator - Class in org.hansel.probes
LTComparator() - Constructor for class org.hansel.probes.LTComparator
LtOp - Class in org.hansel.stack
LtOp(HanselValue, HanselValue) - Constructor for class org.hansel.stack.LtOp


merge(Value, Value) - Method in class org.hansel.HanselInterpreter
MethodInfo - Class in org.hansel.stack
MethodInfo() - Constructor for class org.hansel.stack.MethodInfo
MethodProbe - Class in org.hansel.probes
A simple Probe that is placed in the instrumented code.
MethodProbe(ProbeData) - Constructor for class org.hansel.probes.MethodProbe
Create a new Probe.


naryOperation(AbstractInsnNode, List) - Method in class org.hansel.HanselInterpreter
NEComparator - Class in org.hansel.probes
NEComparator() - Constructor for class org.hansel.probes.NEComparator
NeOp - Class in org.hansel.stack
NeOp(HanselValue, HanselValue) - Constructor for class org.hansel.stack.NeOp
newOperation(AbstractInsnNode) - Method in class org.hansel.HanselInterpreter
newValue(Type) - Method in class org.hansel.HanselInterpreter
NotOp - Class in org.hansel.stack
NotOp(HanselValue) - Constructor for class org.hansel.stack.NotOp
NULL - Static variable in class org.hansel.stack.HanselValue
NullCmpBranchProbe - Class in org.hansel.probes
A probe for a comparing conditional branch.
NullCmpBranchProbe(ProbeData, boolean) - Constructor for class org.hansel.probes.NullCmpBranchProbe


ONE_1 - Static variable in class org.hansel.stack.HanselValue
ONE_2 - Static variable in class org.hansel.stack.HanselValue
OperatorEntry - Class in org.hansel.stack
OperatorEntry(String, int, boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.hansel.stack.OperatorEntry
org.hansel - package org.hansel
org.hansel.probes - package org.hansel.probes
org.hansel.stack - package org.hansel.stack
OrOrOp - Class in org.hansel.stack
OrOrOp(HanselValue, HanselValue) - Constructor for class org.hansel.stack.OrOrOp
OrOrOp.AndCompressor - Class in org.hansel.stack
Compresses "a && (a || b)" to "a && b".
OrOrOp.AndCompressor() - Constructor for class org.hansel.stack.OrOrOp.AndCompressor
OrOrOp.NotCompressor - Class in org.hansel.stack
Compresses "!
OrOrOp.NotCompressor() - Constructor for class org.hansel.stack.OrOrOp.NotCompressor
OrOrOp.OrOrCompressor - Class in org.hansel.stack
Compresses "a || (!
OrOrOp.OrOrCompressor() - Constructor for class org.hansel.stack.OrOrOp.OrOrCompressor


PrefixOpEntry - Class in org.hansel.stack
PrefixOpEntry(String, int, HanselValue) - Constructor for class org.hansel.stack.PrefixOpEntry
PrefixOpEntry(String, int, HanselValue, int) - Constructor for class org.hansel.stack.PrefixOpEntry
premain(String, Instrumentation) - Static method in class org.hansel.Startup
Probe - Class in org.hansel
Abstract super class of all probes.
Probe(ProbeData) - Constructor for class org.hansel.Probe
Create a new Probe.
ProbeData - Class in org.hansel
ProbeData(String, String, HanselFrame, int, int, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class org.hansel.ProbeData
ProbeFactory - Class in org.hansel
ProbeFactory() - Constructor for class org.hansel.ProbeFactory
ProbeFilter - Interface in org.hansel.probes
ProbeTable - Class in org.hansel
This class contains a table of currently active Probes.
ProbeTable(ProbeFilter) - Constructor for class org.hansel.ProbeTable
ProbeTableClassLoader - Class in org.hansel
ProbeTableClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Constructor for class org.hansel.ProbeTableClassLoader
push(Value) - Method in class org.hansel.HanselFrame


run(TestResult) - Method in class org.hansel.CoverageDecorator
run(RunNotifier) - Method in class org.hansel.CoverageRunner
run(TestResult) - Method in class org.hansel.Probe
run(RunNotifier, Description) - Method in class org.hansel.Probe
run(TestResult) - Method in class org.hansel.ProbeTable
run(RunNotifier, Description, boolean) - Method in class org.hansel.ProbeTable


SelectProbe - Class in org.hansel.probes
SelectProbe(ProbeData, int, int, Label, Label[]) - Constructor for class org.hansel.probes.SelectProbe
SelectProbe(ProbeData, Label, int[], Label[]) - Constructor for class org.hansel.probes.SelectProbe
setClassFilePath(String) - Method in class org.hansel.AntCoverageTask
setClasspath(Path) - Method in class org.hansel.AntCoverageTask
Set the classpath to be used when running the Java class
setClasspathRef(Reference) - Method in class org.hansel.AntCoverageTask
Classpath to use, by reference.
setDisplayStatistics(boolean) - Method in class org.hansel.CoverageDecorator
setDisplayStatistics(boolean) - Method in class org.hansel.ProbeTable
setExcludePackages(String) - Method in class org.hansel.AntCoverageTask
setLineNumber(int) - Method in class org.hansel.ProbeData
setPackages(String) - Method in class org.hansel.AntCoverageTask
setProbeTable(ProbeTable) - Static method in class org.hansel.ProbeTable
setStats(boolean) - Method in class org.hansel.AntCoverageTask
shutdown(TestResult) - Method in class org.hansel.CoverageDecorator
shutdown(RunNotifier, boolean) - Method in class org.hansel.CoverageRunner
StackFactory - Class in org.hansel.stack
StackFactory() - Constructor for class org.hansel.stack.StackFactory
Startup - Class in org.hansel
Startup() - Constructor for class org.hansel.Startup
StringProbeFilter - Class in org.hansel.probes
StringProbeFilter(String) - Constructor for class org.hansel.probes.StringProbeFilter
superRun(TestResult) - Method in class org.hansel.CoverageDecorator


tearDown() - Static method in class org.hansel.Startup
ternaryOperation(AbstractInsnNode, Value, Value, Value) - Method in class org.hansel.HanselInterpreter
testFailure(Failure) - Method in class org.hansel.CheckFailureRunListener
toString() - Method in class org.hansel.CoverageDecorator
toString() - Method in class org.hansel.Probe
toString() - Method in class org.hansel.stack.BinaryOperatorEntry
toString() - Method in class org.hansel.stack.HanselValue
toString(Type) - Method in class org.hansel.stack.HanselValue
toString(HanselValue) - Method in class org.hansel.stack.OperatorEntry
toString() - Method in class org.hansel.stack.PrefixOpEntry
transform(ClassLoader, String, Class<?>, ProtectionDomain, byte[]) - Method in class org.hansel.Transformer
Transformer - Class in org.hansel
Transformer(Set<String>) - Constructor for class org.hansel.Transformer
TransformingAdapter - Class in org.hansel
TransformingAdapter(ClassVisitor, ClassNode, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class org.hansel.TransformingAdapter


UnaryBranchProbe - Class in org.hansel.probes
A probe for a conditional branch.
UnaryBranchProbe(ProbeData, IntComparator) - Constructor for class org.hansel.probes.UnaryBranchProbe
unaryOperation(AbstractInsnNode, Value) - Method in class org.hansel.HanselInterpreter
undo(Instrumentation) - Method in class org.hansel.Transformer
Util - Class in org.hansel
Class containing utility methods.
Util() - Constructor for class org.hansel.Util
This class is static and cannot be instantiated.


visit(int, int, String, String, String, String[]) - Method in class org.hansel.TransformingAdapter
visitAttribute(Attribute) - Method in class org.hansel.HanselCodeAdapter
visitEnd() - Method in class org.hansel.HanselCodeAdapter
visitFieldInsn(int, String, String, String) - Method in class org.hansel.HanselCodeAdapter
visitFrame(int, int, Object[], int, Object[]) - Method in class org.hansel.HanselCodeAdapter
visitIincInsn(int, int) - Method in class org.hansel.HanselCodeAdapter
visitInsn(int) - Method in class org.hansel.HanselCodeAdapter
visitIntInsn(int, int) - Method in class org.hansel.HanselCodeAdapter
visitJumpInsn(int, Label) - Method in class org.hansel.HanselCodeAdapter
visitLabel(Label) - Method in class org.hansel.HanselCodeAdapter
visitLdcInsn(Object) - Method in class org.hansel.HanselCodeAdapter
visitLineNumber(int, Label) - Method in class org.hansel.HanselCodeAdapter
visitLookupSwitchInsn(Label, int[], Label[]) - Method in class org.hansel.HanselCodeAdapter
visitMaxs(int, int) - Method in class org.hansel.HanselCodeAdapter
visitMethod(int, String, String, String, String[]) - Method in class org.hansel.TransformingAdapter
visitMethodInsn(int, String, String, String) - Method in class org.hansel.HanselCodeAdapter
visitMultiANewArrayInsn(String, int) - Method in class org.hansel.HanselCodeAdapter
visitTableSwitchInsn(int, int, Label, Label[]) - Method in class org.hansel.HanselCodeAdapter
visitTryCatchBlock(Label, Label, Label, String) - Method in class org.hansel.HanselCodeAdapter
visitTypeInsn(int, String) - Method in class org.hansel.HanselCodeAdapter
visitVarInsn(int, int) - Method in class org.hansel.HanselCodeAdapter


ZERO_1 - Static variable in class org.hansel.stack.HanselValue
ZERO_2 - Static variable in class org.hansel.stack.HanselValue